- Individually Secured Encryption Cloud-Based Software
Provides Multiple 3-D Views
- Key Personnel Can View Temperature Uniformity
3-D Temperature Profiles for Each Furnace
VVS is a cloud-based software for your furnace temperature uniformity needs. VVS works by extracting Excel data and transforming it into a 3-D view, allowing you to see inside the furnace as it approaches set point and stabilizes. VVS provides secure database storage of your survey results and ongoing temperature analysis.


Keeping your ovens in tolerance
and always running their best.
Pete Hushek, Founder, has been the owner and President of Phoenix Heat Treating since 1988. As a dedicated heat treater and metallurgical engineer, he understands the importance that furnace surveys play in processing work correctly. It was his own frustration in the survey process that led him to develop VVS. He wanted a more reliable, cost effective method to survey his furnaces and to proactively monitor furnace performance. He wanted to simplify surveys.
Pete has been using VVS on his own furnaces since 2016 and has seen a significant improvement in productivity and has substantially reduced maintenance down time.
Eric Reamer, Development Engineer, brings a wealth of knowledge to the VVS team. Originally from Traverse City, Michigan he has 7 years of heat treating experience, 4 of which he has spent working extensively within Pyrometry. Within his time in the industry he holds certificates for “Introduction to Pyrometry AMS 2750E” and “Advanced Pyrometric Control for Aerospace Special Processors” among others. Eric brings an energy dedicated to pushing the envelope for temperature measurement. His goal is to revolutionize the way people view survey data while improving the heat treating industry.
Rosanne Brunello joined the Virtual Visual Surveys sales team in 2017. With over 30 years of manufacturing sales experience she is passionate about innovative companies changing the manufacturing industry for the better. Rosanne serves as our regional sales rep for the Midwest and East Coast regions.